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"For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat."

Matthew 25:35

Our mission is to take excess produce from local farms and turn it into nutritious meals for the hungry world.
Donations can be made directly to feeding
efforts in various countries around the world,
our new building fund, or to our general fund.
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We thank you for seeing our mission as one that is worthy of your time and donations.



We need help getting donated produce washed, chopped, and prepared for the dehydration process. Once dehydrated we need help packing the produce for international delivery. It takes a team to make our dream a reality!  Sign up today by clicking the link below.  There are many opportunities in our schedule for groups and individuals.


We have some needed items that will help us maintain our space for volunteers and that will allow us to function properly and cleanly. Donations are needed to help cover costs for warehouse equipment, plastic barrels to ship food, rubber floor mats, industrial stainless steel tables, cutting knives, and cleaning supplies.



If you want to help, but can't volunteer because of time constraints or disability, we will always need the financial help to maintain our dehydrator and to ship our food packages to those in need. We are so thankful for the community that is willing to help us reach our goals and that shares the same vision with us.



We need you to spread the word and help bring in others who may be interested in helping in one way or another. We would love to continue to make connections and expand our community so that we can continue to grow. We have seen many doors open in the past year and are excited to see what the future holds!

Help us be



We ask that you pray for our non-profit to be successful in helping feed a hungry world. We aim to be used as instruments for the Lord in order to do His will and proclaim His love by being servants to our neighbors. Prayer is a powerful tool, and we know that our God listens to His saint's prayers for mercy and grace to be poured out on His children.

Contact us for more information

Sus Manos Gleaners
2464 Wilshere Drive
Jenison, MI 49428
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